Torn: A Book Review

“Sometimes in the midst of it all we are tempted to doubt God’s goodness — or at least his goodness to us… but obviously we’re receiving some sort of payback for the wrongs we’ve done… We search for a reason.  If God really loves me and cares for me, why is this happening (Wilhite, 2011. Torn.  Multnomah Books.)?”

If you live long enough (like more than 10 years) something “bad” is bound to happen in your life.  Most of us want to have one questioned answered when things don’t go our way: WHY?!

Wilhite’s new book, Torn is a good read for anyone who has ever wondered WHY?  The author’s answer is good: “Why” is the wrong question.  A better question to ask in uncertainty is “WHO?”  Who can we turn to when our life falls to pieces?  Who in the universe big enough to help us through the darkness… who can help us make sense of our suffering?  Who knows how we fell, because no one wants to suffer in vain.

Torn is an easy and compelling read.  The book focuses on real people and stories, and avoids trite and simple answers.

I’ll wrap up this review with one of my favorite quotes from the book (because it sums up the direction the author takes), — it’s a valid way to view the world and think about the difficulties in life we all have to face:

Take some time to consider your expectations of God and faith.  You may realize that you need to adjust them, as I did.  It’s okay to face this and accept it.  Adjusting your expectations will help you acknowledge that there is a new now.  Life may not look the way you pictured it.

If you need some hope… and a new way to think about the realities of life… you need to grab a copy of the book Torn by Jud Wilhite.